Compatible models Infomir for all ISTAR KOREA BOX/ Set-Top
Tiger Star Satellite Receiver SKY BOX /ALL IP TV BOX
i & مرحباًلاقط شبكة الواي فاي لاجهزة ايستار كوريايعمل مع موديلاتPlus & ZeedZeed 222 - Zeed 333- zeed 444 - A8000 - A65000 - A8500- A9000- A1600 -A1700- all plus and gold -android box all also for all ip tv box such as . tiger box / redline box / media starbox m8 box max box
please note not / we dont send post to ( Australia, USA, New Zealand )
WiFi dongle for iSTAR KOREA module Plus A8000 and A65000 and A65000 Gold and Zeed 222 and Zeed 333 x1500 x25000 x35000 x2500 x 40000 x4000 x1200 a7000 a7500 x60000 x70000 xSatellite Receiver - WiFi all istar korea box
istar korea WiFi WLAN USB Dongle Stick Adapter Antenna for all istar box